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Feature Materials

This page will be regularly updated with Feature Articles and Materials prepared and submitted by GP Member States and Partner Organizations

Strengthening global mechanisms to respond to the deliberate use of biological agents, the Biological and Toxins Weapons Convention Implementation Support Unit, September 2020

To advance the Global Partnership priority of “strengthening global mechanisms and capabilities to respond to the deliberate use of biological agents”, GP partners are supporting the Implementation Support Unit of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) to enhance Article VII of the BTWC through the development of an International Bio-Emergency Management Framework for Deliberate Events.

Adapting to Current and Future Challenges, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, December 2020

The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) has proven to be one of the world's most successful arms treaties in history, with near universal accession. With the planned target for destruction of all declared chemical weapons quickly approaching in 2023, the OPCW is looking to build new capabilities in order to remain fit-for-purpose. Read more about the OPCW’s new ground-breaking Chem-Tech Center and priorities for the future.

A Team Effort: Addressing Chemical and Explosive Threats through Cross-sector Collaboration and Intelligence-driven Support, INTERPOL, December 2020

With support from and in collaboration with the Global Partnership, INTERPOL’s Chemical and Explosive Terrorism (CMX) Prevention Unit is working to prevent terrorists and criminals from acquiring, diverting, smuggling and using chemical warfare agents, toxic industrial chemicals and explosive precursor chemicals. In this feature article, INTERPOL outlines two important initiatives: Watchmaker (a global platform to identify and track individuals involved in chemical and explosives crimes) and the Global Congress on Chemical Security and Emerging Threats.

The Radiological and Nuclear Terrorism Prevention Unit, INTERPOL, March 2021

INTERPOL's Radiological and Nuclear Terrorism Prevention Unit (RNTPU) strives to support the development of an informed, capable, and globally connected law enforcement community that is able to counter and investigate radioactive material criminality from malicious non-state actors. In this Feature Article, learn how the RNTPU uses intelligence sharing, investigative support to national law enforcement and the delivery of capacity-building training to member countries to build global law enforcement nuclear incident response readiness in a rapidly changing radiological and nuclear security architecture.

The Global Partnership: Personal Reflections on the Life and Times of a Very Unusual, but Important, Political Institution for Security, Lars Van Dassen, Executive Director, World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS), March 2021

Lars van Dassen, Executive Director of WINS and long-time GP contributor as a former member of Sweden’s Nuclear Regulator, shares his perspective on the Global Partnership in this feature article ~ Personal Reflections on the Life and Times of a Very Unusual, but Important, Political Institution for Security.

Where There's a Will, There's a Way: How the WCO Builds Capacity to Implement Strategic Trade Controls, James McColm, Adam Vas, Peter Heine and Debika Pal, World Customs Organization, June 2021

With support from the Global Partnership, the World Customs Organization (WCO) is assisting countries around the world to develop, adopt and apply strategic trade controls (STC) to manage the transfer of sensitive materials, technology or equipment that might be used to produce weapons of mass destruction. In this feature article, learn more about the WCO's approach to STC capacity building and how that has been adapted in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

1540 Assistance Support Initiative: If only CBRN assistance matchmaking was easy, Dr. Richard T. Cupitt, Henry L. Stimson Centre, June 2021

In support of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004), the Global Partnership is committed to supporting countries around the world to adopt legislation to prevent CBRN proliferation and establish appropriate domestic controls to prevent illicit trafficking. In this feature article by Dr. Richard Cupitt (Senior Fellow and Director at the Stimson Center), read about an innovative “1540 Assistance Support Initiative Database” that aims to better connect assistance-seekers with assistance-providers, as well as the persisting challenges in coordinating non-proliferation capacity building efforts.

Biosecurity from an animal health perspective: A look at risks posed by African swine fever (ASF) and efforts to strengthen Veterinary Services’ capacity to prevent and control biological threats, World Organisation for Animal Health, September 2021

The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), a contributor to the Global Partnership since 2010 has long held biosecurity at the core of its work. In this feature article, learn more about biosecurity in the animal health world, as well as the OIE’s work as it relates to ASF, a highly contagious deadly haemorrhagic viral disease causing nearly 100% mortality in pigs, where a recent outbreak has been reported in the Dominican Republic.

INTERPOL Bioterrorism Prevention Unit’s activities to support the global law enforcement community, September 2021

The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), a contributor to the Global Partnership since 2010 has long held biosecurity at the core of its work. In this feature article, learn more about biosecurity in the animal health world, as well as the OIE's work as it relates to ASF, a highly contagious deadly haemorrhagic viral disease causing nearly 100% mortality in pigs, where a recent outbreak has been reported in the Dominican Republic.

Using Emerging Technologies to Reduce Proliferation Risks, Henry L. Stimson Center, December 2021

With support from Global Affairs Canada, the Stimson Center is conducting two projects – MATCH (which uses distributed ledger technology) and Cheminformatics (which combines information technology and chemistry) –to create potential solutions to some important challenges for the chemical weapons non-proliferation regime.

U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration counter-smuggling team carries on its mission after adapting to a “new normal”, Office of Nuclear Smuggling Detection and Deterrence, March 2022

One of the core missions of the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Nuclear Smuggling Detection and Deterrence (NSDD) is to detect, disrupt, and investigate the smuggling of nuclear and radioactive material before the material can be used in an act of terrorism. In this feature article, learn about how the NSDD was able to advance this important mission while facing the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Canada's Reflections on 20 Years of Global Partnership Excellence, Ms, Cindy Termorshuizen, Associate Depuity Minister of Foreign Affairs, Global Affairs Canada, June 2022

Canada's Associate Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. Ms. CIndy Termorshuizen recognises and commends the efforts of the Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction on its 20th anniversary.

Capstone Exercise: UN Secretary-General’s Mechanism for Investigation of Alleged Use of Biological and Chemical Weapons, Robert Koch Institut, January 2023

From 19 – 28 September 2022, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) conducted a so-called Capstone Exercise within the framework of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Mechanism for the Investigation of Alleged Use of Biological and Chemical Weapons (UNSGM). Funded by the German Federal Foreign Office, the Capstone Exercise represents a part of Germany’s efforts to contribute to biological disarmament and non-proliferation.

Bringing the Animal Health and Security Sectors One Step Closer, World Organization for Animal Health, April 2023

With borderless dangers such as disease outbreaks threatening all parts of our society, global health security has never been more important than today. There is much that the animal health and security sectors can do to enhance preparedness in a changing global landscape.  

Biosafety and biosecurity in the context of the Military Health Forum of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries, Portugal, July 2023

The successes achieved by the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries in Africa provide a roadmap for other language communities to develop effective and sustainable biosafety and biosecurity capacity-building programming in beneficiary countries.

The United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs continues to strengthen the universalization and effective implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention in Africa, UNODA, October 2023

Between July and October, the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) continued to work closely with African States and international and regional partners to strengthen the universalization and effective implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) on the continent. It organized seven activities in the eastern, southern and western sub-regions, respectively.

Biosecurity threat assessment in Latin America: CICTE/OAS and University of Maryland launched new research publications, CICTE/OAS, October 2023

The project titled "Strengthening Biosafety and Biosecurity in Latin America in line with Resolution 1540," conducted over the past years by the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism of the Organization of American States (CICTE/OAS) with the support of the European Union, aimed to lay the foundations for a stronger biosafety culture. The project also sought to create a Latin American network of expertise and strengthen biosafety and biosecurity standards and measures across the region.

Chemical Security is a Global Responsibility, INTERPOL, January 2024

The ‘Global Congress on Chemical Security & Emerging Threats’ (GC) was conceived to promote the goal of establishing a chemical security community of practice that transcends borders, sectors and institutions. Launched in 2018, the Global Congress was established in response to a call by the Chemical Security Working Group of the G7 Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction to foster an international community of chemical security experts.

The Next Big Threat to Animal Health Emergencies: Misinformation and Disinformation, WOAH and INTERPOL, July 2024

In a fast-changing and polarised world, the need to fight falsehoods is greater than ever. Misinformation and disinformation pose significant threats to the animal health sector by undermining efforts to control disease outbreaks and maintain public trust. The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) and INTERPOL have developed guidelines to address these challenges, emphasizing the need for a coordinated, multi-sectoral approach.

Countering WMD Disinformation: A Global Partnership Initiative, April 2024

The spread of disinformation about chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) weapons and related materials sows distrust, disrupts diplomacy, and threatens non-proliferation gains and goals. GP partners recognize that more must be done to address and counter threats posed by CBRN/WMD disinformation in a comprehensive way and thus a consensus decision was taken at the Global Partnership Working Group (GPWG) meeting in Nagasaki, Japan in November 2023 to launch a coordinated, innovative, evidence-based GP approach to counter this persistent and growing challenge.