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Global Partnership Priorities

The Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction (the Global Partnership) is an international initiative aimed at preventing the proliferation of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons and related materials.

Past, Present, & Future

The Global Partnership (GP) was launched at the G8 Summit in Kananaskis, Canada in 2002 with a mandate to prevent terrorists and those that harbor them from acquiring weapons and materials of mass destruction and their means of delivery.

It included an invitation for other countries to join the GP, and to support and adopt six common “Principles” to prevent terrorists, or those that harbour them from gaining access to weapons or materials of mass destruction as well as a set of nine “Guidelines” for New or Expanded Cooperation Projects.  

Over the years, the GP has grown to include 31 active members, and continues to implement a diverse range of programming activities around the world in four priority areas:

Concrete programmatic initiatives and thematic priorities are discussed at the bi-annual Global Partnership Working Group meetings which include four specific subordinate thematic sub-working groups on nuclear and radiological security, biological security, chemical security and UNSCR 1540.

The chair of the Global Partnership rotates annually with the Presidency of the G7. The current chair of the Global Partnership is Germany (2022), which will be succeeded by Japan (2023).

The Global Partnership convenes twice annually as the Global Partnership Working Group (GPWG)

How We Work

Terrorist use of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) is one of the gravest threats to international peace and security

Why We Work

The Global Partnership is an international forum for coordination of projects to prevent CBRN terrorism and proliferation

Principles and Guidelines

Learn More