
Developed by the Stimson Center in collaboration with the 1540 Committee and its Group of Experts and supported by Global Affairs Canada, the 1540 ASI database features a comprehensive collection of past and present non-proliferation support programs and projects. Robust search functions allow users to quickly locate relevant assistance programs based on specific criteria such as region, type of support needed, and CBRN risk. Intuitive filters and advanced keyword search capabilities help States identify assistance partners offering the specific expertise or activities they are interested in and help assistance providers to avoid duplicating effort or repeating work already completed by other organizations.

The ASI database simplifies the process of connecting nations with vital assistance programs, promoting cooperation and efficiency in safeguarding global security under UN Resolution 1540.

Welcome to the Global Partnership 1540 Assistance Support Initiative (ASI) database! The database is a resource for States seeking support and organizations offering support for implementing United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540, which obligates countries to combat the spread of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, their means of delivery, and illicit trafficking in related materials within or across their borders.

The Global Partnership1540 Assistance Support Initiative Database