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Cooperative Framework  ‍‍

Information Sharing Initiative

October 9 2018


Due to the high level of international cooperation in Ukraine, the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway sought international donor attendance for an information-sharing meeting in Oslo in October 2016 on nuclear and radiological security cooperation in Ukraine.  The rationale for such a meeting was to share information and lessons learned where countries had carried out similar types of bilateral projects in Ukraine in the field of nuclear and radiological security.  The need for sharing information and discussing lessons learned has shown to be of utmost importance.  While not under the official auspices of the G7 Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction (G7GP), the newly formed Information Sharing Initiative (ISI) is consistent with the Global Partnership members’ commitment to coordination and collaboration in Ukraine.  The G7GP meetings have been, and will continue to be, an important forum for discussion on a political level and for matchmaking activities on a global scale.  Observations from the G7GP meetings have revealed a need for more in-depth discussions at the technical project level, especially with regard to Ukraine, with whom many countries engage. The ISI seeks to support the work in the G7GP Nuclear/Radiological sub-working group (NRSWG).


Key cooperative focus areas of the ISI  

1.  Nuclear Safety*  and Security

2.  Radioactive Material Security  

3. Countering R/N smuggling (to include prevention, detection, and response)

4.  Ensuring the existence of a mature R/N security legislative and regulatory framework.  

ISI may have additional focus areas, based on emerging threats, when necessary and appropriate.

*The scope of some countries’ participation in the ISI includes both safety and security assistance to Ukraine.  However, other countries’ scope for providing assistance is limited only to security.  While the ISI may discuss both elements for the purposes of coordination, this does not imply that all participants will provide safety assistance.


Goals and Objectives

This information sharing initiative brings together key Ukrainian state partners, the international donor community, and organizations actively engaged in collaborative projects in Ukraine, (collectively, the “participants”). The primary goal is to help ensure relevant international donor efforts in Ukraine are well coordinated to ensure compatibility at the project implementation level. The ISI is also intended to help to reduce undesired overlap, de-conflict scope and schedules, and provide opportunities to share lessons learned. The ultimate goal is to help assist participants in identifying project prioritization and resolve issues or barriers to effective cooperation, where possible. To accomplish these goals, ISI participants plan to:

  • Share experiences and lessons-learned, providing participants with a broad overview of their R/N security assistance projects.
  • Identify concrete challenges in project prioritization, both in Ukraine and within the donor environment.
  • Stemming from those challenges, develop an informal plan to enable good communication, prioritization, and collaboration.
  • Discuss and address administrative obstacles to project implementation, such as project registration, tax exemption issues, liability issues and other “bottle necks” that must be overcome to start and continue effective project implementation.
  • Inform and coordinate regulatory discussions.
  • Populate a «matrix of projects» which will serve as a reference guide for ongoing and proposed R/N security projects in Ukraine.


Administrative and Organizational Elements

Temporary Steering Committee:

As a newly formed informal group, the ISI should determine how it will conduct its business.  To that end, the ISI intends to have a temporary steering committee that consists of representatives from Ukraine, the United States, and Norway. This temporary steering committee is expected to help define the initial administrative and organizational structure of the ISI as it becomes established.  In particular, the principal responsibility of the temporary steering committee is the drafting of this Cooperative Framework for review by ISI participants, and developing the initial project matrix previously noted.  


ISI Participation:

The current ISI participants with significant existing and past R/N security cooperation in Ukraine, and who have taken part in the initial ISI meetings, include Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States.  However, the ISI is not an exclusive group.  Any country wishing to contribute to R/N security assistance in Ukraine may participate in the meetings, after approval by the temporary steering committee or Co-Chairs.


ISI Co-Chairs:

The Co-Chairs of the ISI are Ukraine (permanent) and an ISI participating country.  The non-Ukraine Co-Chair will rotate and is on a voluntary basis. The Co-Chairs are responsible for preparing the agenda and chairing the meetings. The Co-Chairs assists with administrative tasks related to meetings (preparation for meetings, establish agenda, circulate “Chairman’s remarks” after the meetings, update the project matrix, etc.)   The two Co-Chairs work closely in preparing for these meetings and conducting the meetings.  The non-Ukraine Co-Chair holds the position for a period of two years, after which the position rotates among active ISI countries on a voluntary basis.


Meeting Venue and Frequency:

ISI meetings are expected to be conducted annually (autumn), and held in Ukraine.  If a country voluntarily proposed to host an ISI meeting, it may be hold outside Ukraine.    



Each participating ISI member is responsible for bearing its own costs related to participation at the ISI meetings. The host country is responsible for finding a suitable location (organizing for participants a meeting room, lunch, translation between English and Ukrainian, and equipment/facilities necessary for carrying out the meeting). ISI countries are encouraged to support Ukraine by co-funding expenses related to the yearly meetings.