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As president of the G7 for 2025, Canada is honoured to return as Chair of the Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction.

Now in its 23rd year, the Global Partnership (GP) is an extraordinary—yet often unheralded—success story. Since its launch in 2002 at the Kananaskis Summit, the now 31-member GP has had transformative impact across the entire chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) spectrum, serving as the engine for global WMD threat reduction efforts. In an ever-changing and unpredictable world, the GP has consistently spearheaded, financed, and delivered an extraordinary range of impactful and innovative programming in collaboration with an array of international and regional organizations, countries, and civil society partners.

Key to the success of the Global Partnership has been a unique combination of perseverance and adaptability. The core mission of the GP has remained unchanged since 2002, when Leaders tasked it to “prevent terrorists, or those that harbour them, from acquiring or developing nuclear, chemical, radiological and biological weapons; missiles; and related materials, equipment and technology”. However, to deliver on this mandate the GP was made flexible by design, which has enabled its members to act quickly to prevent, detect, and respond to evolving WMD threats.

As the Canadian G7 presidency marks the start of a new GP cycle, it is an ideal time to reassess the global WMD threat environment and ensure the GP remains fit for purpose to tackle current and future challenges. To this end, in 2025 Canada will focus GP attention on:

  • Expanded engagement with countries and organizations currently not part of the GP that have demonstrated a capacity and willingness to contribute meaningfully to WMD threat reduction.
  • Development of a GP strategy on CBRN cross-cutting issues, particularly WMD-related disinformation, technologies, and strategic trade controls.
  • Improved operations and functioning with an emphasis on refreshing the GP’s governing documents, enhanced coordination and cross-walks with the G7 Non-Proliferation Directors Group, more effective matchmaking, and strengthened partner coordination.

Underlying all these priorities will be continued excellence in the design and delivery of programming to mitigate nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons and terrorism threats.

23 years since its inception, the Global Partnership’s value proposition remains strong. In today’s geopolitical environment, the GP stands out for its spirit of cooperation and ability to make concrete CBRN security improvements in every region of the world. Members should be proud of what we have accomplished together. However, as WMD threats persist and terrorists and certain states continue to seek CBRN capabilities, our focus must remain fixed on the future.

Our work is not done. The world is counting on us.


Canada’s Global Partnership Presidency Team

Message from Canada as Incoming President for 2025